MBT Vent Flap

The venting flaps of the main ballast tanks are actuated by the hydraulic drive, which is linked by rods and spindle drive with the venting flaps. During failure of the hydraulic system, the venting flaps are actuated manually.
Venting of Main Ballast Tanks
- Weight: approx. 105kg
- Material:
- Bevel wheel: SUS 316L, ALBC3
- Shim: AH36
- Sealing ring: NBR 70
- Screws: A4-70
Hydraulic motor
- Manufacturer: DANFOSS
- Type: OMSW 80
Hydraulic Drive for Main Ballast Tank Vent
- Weight: approx. 30kg, each
- Material:
- Shaft for hand wheel: SUS 316L
- Bevel wheel: SUS 316L, ALBC3
- Socket: Deva Metal
- Spacer: AH36
- Screws: A4-70/80
- Indonesia 209Class Submarine
- ROKN 500Ton Class Submarine
Technical Escrow
MBT(Main Ballast Tank) Vent Flap for Submarine
- Contract No. 2015-02-12-2221

MBT Vent Flap
A vent is arranged at the highest spot of the main ballast tanks 1, 2, 3 and 4 to permit venting. This vent is closed by a venting flap.