Vision & Values

Vision & Values
To be a industry leader in engineering & manufacturing, KMT Submarine is highly technically advanced, customer service-oriented organization that pursues the goal of collective excellence through personal and collaborative efforts.
"The starting point of all achievement is desire"
To be innovative in satisfying need of customers.
To improve the quality of products and services with continuous efforts.
To make excellent opportunity to join the ranks of global corporations.
To support our customers to strengthen global security and keep them safety.
Our shared Core Values describe what is most important to us as we conduct our business. The way we behave – with each other, our people, clients and suppliers – must reflect those values. 
We are committed to an incident-free workplace, every day and everywhere. We cannot replace everything, so we continue to minimize the impact of our activities on the environment.
We are predictable and reliable in our performance. We always strive for excellence in everything and we constantly strive to improve the efficiency through innovation in technology, operations and processes. So that we will earn customer's trust and build sustainable success together.