Throttle Flap

Flange bores acc. to IKLN 6, for insertion between flanges. The recepting flange to fit the Teleflex receiver socket. The transmitter and receiver sockets are identical and mutually exchangeable. They can be secured in any operating angle by means of the operating lever and they are provided with a stop for the “Open” position.
- Flange bores acc. to IKLN 6, for insertion between flanges.
- Materials Casing : G Sn Bz 12
- Internal Parts : S25C
- Shaft :SUS 316L
Specification for the Transmitter and Receiver Sockets
- Materials Casing : G Sn Bz 14
- Cover : G Sn Bz 14
- Tooth wheel : SS400
- Tooth Bolt : SS400
- Securing Plates : HBsC3C
- Bulkhead Penetration Gland : Steel, Cadmium-plated
- Indonesia 209Class Submarine
- KSS-II Batch-I Submarine
Technical Escrow
Throttle Flap for Submarine
- Contract No. : 2015-02-12-3482

Throttle Flap
The flaps are installed in several system. And they are manually operated via the swivel gear bolted to the casing flange.